Just One of the Guys Episode #32
This is it boys, this is war, what are we waiting for? Why don’t we break the rules already? Sorry…Ive really enjoyed that song, and I hope it doesn’t get […]
Hello, fair listeners, and welcome back to another tribute to the grandeur and majesty of the greatest superhero group ever founded…THE NEW GUARDIANS!!! Nope, even with bold and all caps, I can’t pull that off with any level of sincerity. Actually, this is episode #33 of Just One of the Guys, and like the prior 32 episodes, we are going to be covering a Green Lantern comic, this one dealing with creepy plants, creepy black ooze tentacles, clingy alien girlfriends, and THE NEW GUARDIANS!!! Still not working? I try…
Also, we continue our coverage of the Guy Gardner solo series, as Guy takes on the three former faux Lanterns, causes major property damage, and we all learn a little bit about Newton’s Third Law via Guy ramming a bus into his foes. And finally the reason behind this unwarranted attack on Guy is finally revealed! Please don’t spoil the jaw dropping ending! Because it’s really not all that amazing (it involves little bug-eyed aliens). So if you don’t want to find yourself on the wrong end of an Orange Line Subway car, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening.
MadminW September 21, 2012
This is it boys, this is war, what are we waiting for? Why don’t we break the rules already? Sorry…Ive really enjoyed that song, and I hope it doesn’t get […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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