Just One of the Guys Episode #29
Hello dear listeners, and welcome to another fully articulated episode of Just One of the Guys. This time around we are going to be covering a one shot issue where […]
Welcome back, lovers of all things comic-booky and green (well, except for those lovers of Green Arrow…they can all go pound sand!) to the first episode of a storyline that crosses over with the Flash comic of the same time period. This Friday we’re covering Green Lantern #30 and Flash #69…(insert obligatory Bill and Ted quote here), the first two parts of the “Gorilla Warfare” story arc that harkens back to the Silver Age where talking apes and big headed freaks were all the rage. And to celebrate this fun piece of nostalgia, I am joined by the incredible podcast personality and host of Flash Legaices, Mr Dave Walker! In the episode we cover monkey fashion sense, panda security guards, the infinite monkeys/infinite typewriters gag, Power Girl’s “assets”, life at hyper-speed, and how to choose your words carefully when being dragged via mental connecton behind a person doing 700 miles per hour. All this, plus Carly Rae Jespen and Sir Mix-A-Lot (not recognized by the Queen as an actual knight). So grab your mp3 player of choice, download the episode, and get to listening!
And for more podcasting excellence, check out Dave’s podcast at Flash Legacies. You can get it on iTunes as well.
MadminW August 31, 2012
Hello dear listeners, and welcome to another fully articulated episode of Just One of the Guys. This time around we are going to be covering a one shot issue where […]
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