Just One of the Guys Presents: Emerald Dawn II Part 2
Welcome back, faithful listeners, to the second part of this show’s coverage of the storyline that showed what happens to heroes with OCD. Yes, I’m talking about issues four, five, […]
Hello dearest of all listeners, and welcome to another ring-slinging episode of Just One of the Guys. This week we take a look at issue 14 of the series, where John Stewart has to fit tiny glass tiles in a certain order to make a picture of the Birth of Venus…wait, what? You mean the title “Mosaic” has nothing to do with that form of art? Oh well…
Instead we get violent deaths of teenagers, totally 90’s aliens with guns that would make Cable (the X-Men character) proud, more dickery from the Guardians, hot widow moms with shotguns, a cameo of John Constantine, and the realization that Mumford and Sons had nothing to do with the Mumford mentioned in this story. All that, and the return of the ads (sadly, no 3 Musketeers this time out). So grab your mp3 player of choice, download the podcast, and get to listening!
MadminW May 4, 2012
Welcome back, faithful listeners, to the second part of this show’s coverage of the storyline that showed what happens to heroes with OCD. Yes, I’m talking about issues four, five, […]
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