Just One of the Guys Episode #2
It’s a new week, and a new episode of Just One of the Guys. This one has all the Green Lantern goodness that you could shake a stick at, which […]
Welcome back…or welcome, if this is your first time. I’m hoping it isn’t but I’m going to follow the Marvel/Chris Claremont method for now. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m going to continuously tell you “I’m the best I am at what I do”…that’s for a whole other podcast. In this issue, we get Hal and Guy in a knockdown, drag-out fight. John witnesses the Old Timer’s evil plan. We see why rednecks aren’t readily chosen to be members of the Corps. I mean, chainsaw, raccoon, and ’63 Caddy convertible constructs…SERIOUSLY??? Plus another Capri Sun ad where the kids might have just caused the violent deaths of some unsuspecting poachers. Hairy Harry approves. So fire up your mp3 player of choice and start to listening!
MadminW January 20, 2012
It’s a new week, and a new episode of Just One of the Guys. This one has all the Green Lantern goodness that you could shake a stick at, which […]
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