Episode 145 Star Trek Monthly Monday 24
This month, The Freaks celebrate the Return of Scott as mix-master of Star Trek Monthly Monday!! Also this month, you get TWO Mugatos, space-poop Mugato-bite cure, space Viagra, Chapel punching […]
This month, in a MASSIVE MILESTONE 150th episode, The Freaks offer up a GIANT-SIZED episode chock full of Star Trek surprises!!
First up, it’s the classic TOS episode “The Changeling” — an episode with MANY similarities to Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Billions are killed, Scotty pulls a Lazarus, and Uhura has a hard-drive crash!
Next, it’s a special Scotty-centric issue of DC’s Star Trek comic. Prepare yourselves for a SPECIAL SURPRISE in this segment!
Finally, we wind things down with a sensuous episode of The Next Generation — “Angel One”. Riker gets his Kirk on!
All this PLUS IDW’s “Khan: Ruling In Hell” and The “Blood Will Tell” Mini-Series — and a visit from Konom the pussified Klingon!!
CLICK HERE TO SEE “The Changeling”
MadminW October 11, 2010
This month, The Freaks celebrate the Return of Scott as mix-master of Star Trek Monthly Monday!! Also this month, you get TWO Mugatos, space-poop Mugato-bite cure, space Viagra, Chapel punching […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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