Episode 150 – Star Trek Monthly Monday #25
This month, in a MASSIVE MILESTONE 150th episode, The Freaks offer up a GIANT-SIZED episode chock full of Star Trek surprises!! First up, it’s the classic TOS episode “The Changeling” […]
In an unorthodox episode, instead of their usual insightful analysis, the Freaks do an AUDIO COMMENTARY for TWO, count ’em, TWO episodes of Trek! First off, Kirk gets creepy with a 300 year-old underage girl in “Miri” – Then, it’s more holodeck hijinks in the Next Generation in “11001001” where Number One tries to “make it so” with a lovely hologram! Hear what the Freaks have to say as you watch along! Of course, the show wouldn’t be complete without a DC Star Trek comic and this month we have issue 19, written by Walter Koenig himself!
MadminW November 8, 2010
This month, in a MASSIVE MILESTONE 150th episode, The Freaks offer up a GIANT-SIZED episode chock full of Star Trek surprises!! First up, it’s the classic TOS episode “The Changeling” […]
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