3rd Degree Byrne

3rd Degree Byrne Episode 58: Aliens: Earth Angel

Tim Elliott October 11, 2020 35

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Welcome one, welcome all to the beginning of the 3rd Degree Byrne Halloween Extravaganza!!! Over the next few weeks, 3rd Degree Byrne will be doing our very best to get you the horror related work of John Byrne.
And to kick that off, we will be covering a very special monster indeed: Alien!
That is right! John Byrne did an Alien one shot story back in 1994. It is set in the in the mid 1950’s and it just wants to leap off the page and hug your face, if you know what I mean. The story was originally published two pages at a time in the Dark Horse Previews back in the day, but is also available as a single issue story.
Tim Elliott, Kirk Greenfield and Brian Hughes cover “Aliens: Earth Angel” from cover to cover and then nuke it from orbit. It is the only way to be sure.
So, pull up a glass of that milky stuff Ash likes so much and cower, while 3rd Degree Byrne brings you “Aliens: Earth Angel”. It is a Halloween treat.
What? Did you think it was a trick?

3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.

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Tim Elliott

3rd Degree Byrne.

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