3rd Degree Byrne Episode 48: X-Men Elsewhen 11 & 12
Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each […]
Tim Elliott July 19, 2020 17
You know that song about Spider-Man? The one that says he can do whatever a Spider can? Have you really thought about what that means? A quick google search says that Spiders “feed on other insects (but Spiders arent insects!!!) and other invertebrates, but some of the largest spiders may prey on vertebrates such as birds). Well, we have seen Peter eat turkey at Thanksgiving, so we can give that one a pass, but I am sure that mask prevents bugs getting in his mouth. So when is he eating insect?
I dont think that will come up in todays discussion.
We are talking Spider-Man though and for no other reason than David Thompson joined us to talk about him.
Who is David Thompson? Hes one of the interns that came on board 3rd Degree Byrne last year to help us get through the Dark Phoenix Saga and he has been around a good bit since.
We also have interns John Hijatt and Kirk Greenfield joining Tim Elliott and Brian Hughes as we look at two very different John Byrne Spider books that came out just a few weeks apart. Thats right, today; we are covering Spider-Man: Chapter One #1 from December of 1998 and Amazing Spider-Man #1 from January of 1999.
Along the way, we also talk a good bit about Star Trek, Jane Pauley and our upcoming 50th Episode. This promises to be more fun that a Fathers Day party at the Osborne home, so pull up a slice of Anna Watsons cheesecake and join in as 3rd Degree Byrne covers Spider-Man!
3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Internet Radio Network http://twotruefreaks.
Tim Elliott July 12, 2020
Join Brian and Tim, two life long comic freaks, as they take a look at one of the quintessential comic book writer/artists of the last 40 years, John Bryne. Each […]
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